Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Enough With The Saggy Pants

"Pants on the ground...lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground". This was a song that went viral from an American Idol contestant by the name of Larry Plat. This song has so much value to it. Black males we need to stop wearing our pants off our butts. This is a negative image that was derived from prisons. And to be honest is that an image you would actually follow?
This style is terrible, especially for black males. Its bad enough we are not looked at as equal in this society. The pants hanging low trend only puts us in a deeper whole than we were before. We are already judged and characterized by just being young and black. Im 23, im still young, I understand there are styles but BLACK MEN please pull your pants up and have some respect for yourself and others!

1 comment:

  1. i cant front i sag my basketball shorts at home but these lil niggas do it everywhere and in front of noggas too..i KNOW they know its a jail style but they prolly like it. GAYYYYYY
